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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I care for my new Tattoo?

The instructions given to you at the end of the appointment would of been tailored to your specific needs however here are some points to help you remember how to look after your new tattoo.

  • Never touch your new tattoo without washing your hands, it is a open wound that is healing.

  • Don't leave dressings on your tattoo past the time recommended by the artist, if you cannot remember what it is, its best to remove it and allow it to dry heal. 

  • Wash your new tattoo twice a day with a anti bacterial soap, gently with your hands, avoiding the use of flannels, sponges and such. Always  pat the area dry and do not rub it, use either a clean towel or a disposable paper towel.

  • Otherwise keep the area clean and dry and prevent any containment getting on it, avoid soaking it in the bath, swimming pool or hot tub or likes there of. Also avoid using self tanners or anything on the area until healed. 

  • we do not recommend using anything on your new tattoo, you cannot moisturise a healing tattoo into life. However we do acknowledge that a dry itchy tattoo is a particular kind of beast, you can apply a very small amount of any very basic non-scented and non-coloured moisturiser to the tattoo as gently rubbing it in will sooth the itch. It is important to remember you can over moisturise the area easily.

My Friend says/Used...

We always recommend following the advice of your artist and not what someone else says. 

Here we do not recommend using products that contain Lanolin, such as Bepanthan, antiseptics such as Sudocrem, or bleaching agents such as Prep H. These products were never designed to help heal a tattoo and are particularly good at what they were designed to do. Remember they do not help heal a tattoo and can effect how the overall finished tattoo heals and looks. 

We recommend leaving it alone and allowing it to heal naturally.

Also note that whilst your pets saliva may be good at healing their own wounds you are not a dog and should not be letting your dog or any other animal lick your tattoo. 

How do I care for my new Piercing?

Following your piercing you would of been given an aftercare sheet and verbal instructions better tailored to your specific piercing however in the case you have forgotten here are some basic aftercare points to help.​

  • Never touch your piercing without first washing your hands to prevent any contaminants being added to the area

  • We do not recommend you attempting to change your jewellery for at least 6 weeks, our piercers are happy to assist you in changing any jewellery to help make the fiddly task easier. 

  • Do not play with the piercing as it healing, this includes pulling on it or twisting it, it is very important than unless you actively cleaning it you leave it well alone and allow it to heal. 

  • you should be cleaning your piercing twice a day with a saline solution, you can either purchase one, which is fool proof, or make up your own.

  • It is always worth remembering that piercings take a lot lot longer to heal than they seem to with most having a full heal time of between six months and year and even after it appears healed and you can comfortably change your own jewellery you need to be careful not to catch or knock the piercing as this can cause flare ups. 

Does this look infected...

Tattoos as they heal in the very first few days frequently are tender and red, depending on several factors including where on the body they can also swell up and weep platelets, these are all normal immune responses to a open wound, they are also things you are advised to look for when checking for an infection. An infected wound will also usually be very hot to the touch and painful and weep pus which is usually green unlike the clearer platelets. 
It is very very uncommon for a tattoo to become infected if properly looked after however any open wound is at a risk of an infection, which is why aftercare is so important. 

If you are concerned about your tattoos healing we will always recommend you contact us and ask any questions you might have. 


Much like tattoos piercings will frequently become slightly red, be tender and swell up and weep platelets as a normal immune response in the first few days of healing, and as with tattoos if you concerned about an infection the key things to look for is a red area around it that increases in size and weeping of puss which is usually green. 

It is uncommon for a piercing which is properly looked after to get any infection however we always recommend if you have any questions to contact us so we can give you proper advice and answer any questions you might have. 

Are your services age restricted?

The short answer; Yes. No Tattoos on under 18s and No piercings on under 16s with some restricted to over 18s

The Long answer; The 1969 tattooing of minors act makes tattooing anyone under the age of 18 illegal in the UK, this includes with parents permission and it also includes if your birthday is only next week, sorry but you will have to wait. 

With body piercing its a little more complicated, here in Wales the public health act 2017 outlined clear age restrictions on intimate piercings, all intimate piercings including breast and tongue cannot be performed on under 18s under any circumstance. 

Whilst currently there is no clear law stipulating age restrictions on any other piercing, (this however is to change in the near future with new licencing laws coming into effect in Wales) piercing with a needle is technically assault due to the lack of concise laws and only previous court precedents that have been set, no one under the age of 16 can consent to this and their parents cannot either.

So with that in mind it is a studio policy here that we do not perform any procedures on under 16s regardless of parental permission. 

Whats your Cancellation policy?

We appreciate and understand that life can be hectic and plans can change.

Any deposit we take is taken as a non-refundable deposit as it covers draw up time your artist puts in.

If you contact us more than 24 hours before your appointment to rebook it your deposit will be transferred to your new appointment. 

If you contact us with less than 24 hours before your appointment your deposit is at the discretion of the artist, however we are just as human as you and understand that if you've woken up ill on the day of your appointment we want your cold about as much as you do and are most likely willing to transfer your deposit to your new appointment. In a sense we try to be accommodating to our clients and hope in turn that you will be respectful to our staff. 

Deposits for no-shows are forfeit.

I have.... XYZ illness or long term condition...

Luckily in most cases your health conditions do not prevent you from having a tattoo they can however mean specific precautions need to be made or certain adjustments, in any case we recommend booking for a free consultation with an artist so we can discuss your concerns and make a plan that works for you and your individual requirements.

Can I get a cover up?

In most cases the answer will be yes, obviously there is a lot more at play than that. 

You'll need to be aware of several things such as how and where the original tattoo was done, be aware that tattoos done outside of the UK/EU could of been done in a country that has far less regulations into what goes into the ink than is held within the UK/EU.

In any case we recommend booking in for a free consultation and chat with one our artists who can answer any questions and best advise you to the possibilities and limitations. 

Is there anything else I should know...

Its always worth remembering that these are permanent alterations to your body, even if you take the jewellery out a piercing will leave a small scar and Tattoos are obviously just as permanent. 

Trends change and what is fashionable also change frequently, so whilst we fully support people doing what makes them happy try not to do something just because everyone else is. 

We always recommend if your unsure if something's for you, print the picture out and stick it somewhere you will see it all the time, if you're not sick of it after six weeks then its at least worth the consideration. Generally this helps people rule things they weren't sure of out. 

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